Jedi Music

A Resource for the Beginning Elementary Music Teacher


Children's Literature for Music Ed: "The Runaway Pumpkin"

'Round and 'round
across the ground
makin' a thumpin'
bumpin' sound
came that
round and roll-y

You can tell by this rhythmic recurring theme in "The Runaway Pumpkin" by Kevin Lewis that this is a story very well-suited for music!

  • Here is a melody I wrote for the recurring theme of the book:

  • To simplify, you could make the theme a rhythmic chant instead of a melody.

  • Add arm motions for the theme:

  • "Round and round" Arms circle each other in front of the body, such as in "The Wheels on the Bus"

  • "Across the ground" With both hands outstretched, palms down, "draw in the air" the landscape of the ground from left to right.

  • "Making a  thumpin'" Hands pat on lap

  • "Bumpin' sound" Forming fists, pound one fist on top of the other, such as the "Hand Jive"

  • "came that thumpety" Hands pat on lap

  • "Bumpety" Fists pound on top of the other, such as the "Hand Jive"

  • "Thumpin'" Hands pat on lap

  • "Bumpin'" Fists pound on top of each other

  • "Round and roll-y" Arms circle each other in front of the body, such as in "The Wheels on the Bus"

  • "Runaway Pumpkin" Form a large circle with arms with hands clasped above head

  • Students will sing and perform the motions each time the theme is repeated in the story. Remind them that the pumpkin needs to begin rolling slowly, but get faster (accelerando) throughout the song.

  • Because they will get excited, they will need reminders not to let their tempo get too fast and out of control!

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