Jedi Music

A Resource for the Beginning Elementary Music Teacher


Stretching My Boundaries

Always, I've considered myself an elementary teacher, and never desired to expand my teaching horizons further than sixth grade.  Especially in the music teaching realm, I like that I get to be the fun special class, and that I don't have overwhelming pressure to have the perfect concert.  Enjoying the process of making music is more important to me than picking and choosing who the best musicians are at this age.  My goal is to allow everyone to enjoy music and expand their own musical knowledge.

However, at the end of the summer, when I was offered a supplemental activity that would include grades 7-12, I was excited at the new prospect.  Soon, my days are going to get even busier than usual, because I am the new vocal director for our high school musical!  As someone who grew up performing in musical theater, (actually I would love to still be doing community theater if I wasn't so busy with teaching and family) this was an offer and opportunity that would have been very difficult to pass by. 

It will be a transition for me...I'll have to collaborate on decisions that will put some students in the musical, and leave some students out.  Vividly, I can remember the heart-pounding look at a freshly-posted casting sheet, searching desperately for my name.  Sometimes it was there, and some other times it wasn't, so I've been on both sides of the in/out fence.  It's going to be strange being one helping to make the decisions.

I'm glad that my main job is in the elementary level, where every student can continue to be included in our musical groups.  On the other hand, I'm grateful for the opportunity to experience a little of the world of secondary teaching and also incorporating one of the loves of my life: musical theater!

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