
Happy New Year! (Resolutions included)

If you know me, you know that every time we have a holiday or summer break from school, that usually means that some home improvement project is being done.  This Christmas vacation has been no different...one bedroom, one bathroom and my kitchen all were painted this past week, and I couldn't be happier with the results!!  Because of the painting, we were able to switch the boy's and the girls' rooms, which has been a goal for a while. 

One thing that was different about the latest project was that I hired some help, on the recommendation of a colleague, and it made everything go so much smoother.  As mom to three children, it is impossible to get a job done without many (MANY) disruptions.  By turning the jobs over to a painter, he could devote the uninterrupted time to the work, and I could assist him with whatever was needed.  It really was fantastic to get the jobs done with much less frustration than usual, and I admire the results that were done in record (for me!) time; I know that it was money well spent.

Lesson learned: Never be afraid to ask for (and/or pay for) help.

And now...on with the obligatory resolutions  (errrr, I mean habits):

1. Develop new systems that work to stay more organized at both home and school.  Especially when I was cleaning out the nooks and crannies of the children's bedrooms this past week, the need for more effective organization in my home is apparent as a screaming need at this point.  Our days are so busy that we all as a family are constantly shoving things aside to deal with later, and it all piles up. We need to address this daily instead of allowing it to become a problem of such proportions that we need an entire free week to deal with it all. 

On the school front, have you seen my desk lately?? Yeah, me either.   Time to put this plan into action on the first day back, and then don't deviate from the plan!  Organization systems are needed badly at work as well.  Habits need to change, and this year will be our time to develop some better organizational habits.

2. Limit online time.  This resolution is really in support of the first one.  As one of my bad habits I'd like to eliminate, I waste waaaaaaay too much time online (Book of the Face? I need to quit you!)  Of course, I'm going to be spending time online, but in a much more productive way.  I'm setting a timer, and I'm sticking to it.  Time saved is going to be used for the organizational projects that desperately need attention (see item 1). 

Reading the fantastic outlook of Leo Babauta at zenhabits, zenfamilyhabits, and mnmlist gives me a lot inspiration, and now it is time to put it all into action!  I'll be updating on each first of the month with my progress on my new habits.

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